September 14, 2009

Jena and Liam

Jena Rae Dickison

These two babies look sooo much alike
Check out the left ear

Liam Moses Dickison
Momma and baby coming home

Liam Moses Dickison, just minutes old

Although "official weight" is 7lbs 7oz,
the scale is showing 7lbs 6oz

September 4, 2009

Welcome Liam Moses Dickison

Once Nancy was ready, a quick and trouble free delivery. Jena and Grandma arrived just as Liam's head was coming out. Jena said "Ewwww" and they went out of the room; maybe a little too traumatic for a 7 year old?

Liam is perfect!

In the Hospital

We went into the hospital this morning (7am) for induction. Nancy was still at 70% & 2cm. A petosin drip was started at around 8am and the Dr. broke the water at 11am. At around 2pm, the epidural was administered.
As of 4:15pm, Nancy was at 5cm and the baby had dropped quite a bit.

September 3, 2009

3D Ultrasound

Here are the latest photos we have of Liam (28 weeks).

August 26, 2009


We are anxiously awaiting Liam's debut.
As of yesterday, Nancy was 70% efaced and 2 cm dialated.
Stay tuned for updates as they occur!